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Stay safe on the Internet

NASK, acting as the .pl domain Registry, not only enables subscribers registration of .pl domain names and maintains them but – which is important - also cares about their safety and availability in the zone managed. For this purpose, it provides and recommends subscribers and registrars to use additional security measures (eg. DNSSEC, .pl Registry Lock) for registered names, which will protect both them and other Internet users against online threats.

Whether you are a direct subscriber of a .pl domain name or an Internet user using websites, e-mail, smart devices, and a wide range of online services, remember that your security depends largely on your conscious and responsible activity in the digital space.

What can you do?

  • Take advantage of the cyber security courses available on the OSE it-school.

  • Use the Internet safely and avoid potential risks. Use the advice for computer users available in the OUCH! bulletin published by the CERT Polska team.

  • Ask your Internet service provider if they care about your security and support DNSSEC. DNSSEC increases the security of your DNS usage and helps, among other things, to eliminate fake websites that you might visit, thinking you are visiting a real website, e.g. of a bank, office, court, or public register.

  • As an Internet domain subscriber, take care of your own safety and the safety of other Internet users and secure your domain name with the DNSSEC protocol. Do not forget to get acquainted with the rights of a subscriber i domain name security methods.

Report a security incident!

If you have encountered the following abuses:

  • a suspicious attachment received by e-mail
  • an attempt of fraud or blackmail via the Internet
  • malware
  • the vulnerability of a web application or software to various types of network attacks
  • other security incident
report it to CSIRT NASK, by filling in a simple form on this website.

If you have come across illegal content:

  • provocation to commit a crime
  • punishable threats
  • cyberbullying
  • child sexual abuse material
report it to the Dyżurnet.pl NASK contact point via the form on this website.