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Where to register a domain name?

A domain name may be registered through registrars, which have signed the agreement on partner cooperation with NASK. All questions regarding fees and registration procedure should be referred directly to them. The registrars are ready to provide you with their offers and help with domain registration.

Where to check if a domain name is available for registration?

You can check domain availability in a domain name browser.

What is a domain name?

Briefly speaking, a domain name is a unique name identifying a user in the Internet, their website and e-mail. A full domain name consists of a string of names separated with dots. At the end (on the right side) there is always a top level domain. In case of Poland it is ".pl".

Each domain name must be registered in a registry responsible for a particular top level domain. The .pl country code registry is run by NASK. The rules on .pl domain name registration are specified in .pl Domain Names Regulations.

How to register a domain?

What should be the syntax of a domain name?

A domain name may consist exclusively of letters of Latin alphabet, digits and “-“ (minus). The minus sign “-“ is not acceptable in the beginning, at the end and simultaneously on the third and fourth position in a domain name. An exception is IDN with “xn—“ prefix (more information on IDNs you can find on this website). A domain name cannot be longer than 63 signs excluding the extension (e.g. .pl, .com.pl).

Can I register names such as "www", "http", "ftp" in the .pl domain?

No, there is no possibility to register names reserved for services provided via the Internet: ldap, mailto, news, sip, tel, www, ftp, http, https.

Types of domains maintained by NASK:

  • Besides the registration of top level domain names (.pl), we also offer regional (e.g. .waw.pl, .slask.pl, .mazury.pl) and functional (e.g. .com.pl, .biz.pl, .org.pl) domains.

  • IDNs with national diacritic signs
    Acronym IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) denotes a domain name where diacritic national signs, characteristic for a particular language, are applied, e.g. in the Polish language the following signs may be distinguished: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź.
    Thanks to the facility of registering domains, for example, with Polish signs, names may be pronounced with their original sounds. Since now “sąd.pl” is not “sad.pl” and “kąt.pl” is no longer “kat.pl”. More information on IDNs may be found on this website.