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WHOIS database

NASK, as the .pl country code registry, provides data on registered domain names. Those data may be retrieved from the WHOIS database. Registration availability of a domain name may be checked in the domain browser at the main website.

WHOIS browser

IDN is represented in DNS by ASCII string with the "xn--" prefix. More in section IDN.

Please provide only the domain name(s) e.g. "dns.pl". Do not enter any website address, do not precede the domain name with the prefixes www, http, etc.


WHOIS displays data with a delay not exceeding 15 minutes in relation to the .pl Registry system.

In exceptional situations, it is possible to obtain data from the WHOIS database by phone. Contact number: +48 22 380 83 00.

Domain name does not exist in the Registry NASK database. Domain name is filed for registration as a result of realisation of option or a legally valid verdict of a court; it may remain in that state for 14 days. Paid billing period has ended; domain name may remain in that state for up to 30 days. Agreement on Domain Name Maintenance has been terminated; domain name may remain in that state for 5 days. Domain name maintenance has been suspended until all doubts about the cooperation with a registrant are dispelled, e.g. in case of payment overdues at registrar, failure to update the subscriber's data (despite being called), using the domain name for purposes threatening the security of the network.