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Price list for registrars

The price list includes new one-year domain name registrations, one-year renewals as also WLS registrations. Detailed information about payment conditions are described in "Agreement on the cooperation concerning internet domain names".


Service PLN net price
.pl domain registration 9,90
Functional e.g. .com.pl domain registration 9,90
Regional e.g. .waw.pl domain registration 9,90
Renewal of .pl domain names * 50,00
Renewal of functional domain names * 30,00
Renewal of regional domain names * 30,00
Renewal of .pl IDN domain names 30,00
Renewal of functional IDN domain names 30,00
Renewal of regional IDN domain names 30,00
Option 60,00
Extension of option 70,00
Activation of .pl Registry Lock 600,00
Registration attempt ** 0,10


For renewals of domain names that entered BLOCKED state an additional administrative fee, equal to 10% of renewal cost, is charged.

* excluding IDN domain names

** for every domain name registration attempt an amount of 0.10 PLN will be taken from pre-paid account