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Transfer of domain service


  1. Domain service may be transferred only to registrars, cooperating with NASK within the frames of the Partner Programme.
  2. If a domain name subject to transfer, is secured with DNSSEC protocol, be sure that a chosen registrar supports this solution at least within the scope of conveying DS records to NASK.

Transfer of domain name service is proceeded in three phases:

  1. Release of authorization code (authinfo code) to a domain name.
    In order to initiate a transfer a chosen registrar must receive an authinfo code to a domain name. Releasing of codes is effected in two ways depending where a particular domain name is serviced:
    • if a domain name is serviced by a registrar – a registrant obtains the authinfo code directly from the registrar under the procedure laid down by that registrar,
    • a domain name is on viNASK – NASK releases authinfo codes directly to a registrar, specified by a registrant, under the procedure of transfer from viNASK.
    If a registrar refuses to release the authinfo code, despite you have met the registrar’s conditions, you can file a complaint to NASK. Guidelines on how to file a complaint for a registrar you will find on this website.
  2. Initiation of transfer
    Initiation of transfer is allowed not earlier than 5 days from the registration date of a domain name or its last transfer. Having the authinfo codes received, the registrar initiates the transfer of domain service which is followed by a confirmation link sent to a registrant by e-mail. Pressing the link completes the transfer procedure. The message is sent to the registrant’s e-mail address, stored in the .pl registry.

    In order to complete the transfer successfully, be sure that your current registrar has provided us with your valid e-mail address. Make also sure that both registrars (current and target) hold your proper and current data.

  3. Completion of transfer
    The transfer procedure is completed and domain service moved to a new registrar as soon as the registrant presses the link received by e-mail.

Services related to maintaining the domain may be also transferred automatically during the process of finishing cooperation between NASK and your registrar. In such a case, you are not required to do anything, and we will inform you about the completion of the transfer by means of an e-mail message sent to the address stored in the main .pl domain Registry. Relevant information will be provided to you by your registrar who is responsible for ensuring that any formal requirements are met. Such a procedure does not affect your rights, including the right to select another domain registrar in accordance with the procedure described in clauses 1-3 above.

Transfer from viNASK

The following procedure applies only to those domain names for which viNASK appears as a registrar in the WHOIS database and the registrants of which do not possess authinfo codes.

Domain service may be transferred only to those registrars which have declared their will to accept domain transfers from viNASK. They are marked with a blue arrow in the list of registrars and specified in the drop-down list of a transfer request.


Transfer of domain service from viNASK should be completed by the end of the time period for which a domain name has been paid for. Services related to the domain name the service of which has not been transferred will cease to be active at the end of the billing period. The domain name will then turn into BLOCKED state for 30 days and be described with a note “billing period has finished”. During the period, mentioned above, a registrant may still transfer the domain name and renew it for a consecutive billing period. Failure to renew the domain name within 30 days will render the agreement terminated while the domain name will be released to the group of available names.

Procedure of domain service transfer from viNASK:

  1. fill in and print out a transfer request, provided at www.dns.pl; be sure that you have specified a current and valid e-mail address, since in matters related to the filed request we will use only that address.
  2. printed request should be affixed with a seal and signed legibly by a representative, i.e. a person authorized to represent a registrant (more information on who can sign a request you will find on this website).
  3. filled in and signed request with attached documents confirming the method of representation should be delivered to NASK at transfer@dns.pl.
  4. once the request has been accepted, NASK releases authinfo codes to a registrar.
  5. with the transfer being initiated by the registrar, a message, containing a confirmation link, is sent to the e-mail address, specified in the request. If you have not received any message with a confirmation link, despite the previous acceptance of the request by NASK, please contact a chosen registrar.
  6. to complete the procedure click on the link received in the e-mail.
NASK reserves 5 working days to review submitted documents and cannot guarantee successful completion of the transfer procedure if it has been started just before the end of the billing period. Please note that after the documents have been positively verified by NASK, there are necessary actions to be taken both by you and a registrar before the end of a billing period of a particular domain name.

Transfer (FAQ)

Transfers between .pl registrars

Transfer of a domain name consists in moving domain service to other registrar. It is not allowed to transfer a domain name to NASK. Questions regarding a transfer procedure should be referred directly to a registrar to which you want to move domain service. No. Any changes may be performed only on a registrant's request in accordance with the regulations on providing services of a particular registrar and Regulaminem nazw domeny .pl. No. During the transfer of a domain name its registrant does not change. What is subject to change is an entity servicing the domain name, i.e. a registrar. No. The procedure on transfer of a domain name, secured with DNSSEC, is similar as in case of an unsecured domain name. Before starting the transfer procedure, be sure that your chosen registrar offers conveying DS records to NASK. If the transfer of a domain name, secured with DNSSEC, requires changing domain delegation, it is recommended to effect the transfer of a domain name once a new DS record has been added to domain delegation (see DNSSEC in NASK FAQ). It is a process in which the activities related to maintaining .pl domains are transferred between registrars. The procedure may only be applied in a situation in which cooperation between NASK and the registrar that renders services for your benefit is terminated, in order to ensure the continuity of your .pl domain or option. You retain, both prior to the commencement and after completion of this procedure, the right to select any other registrar cooperating with NASK.

The outcomes of the automated transfer are the same as of any other transfer: services related to maintaining your domain will be transferred between registrars. If any discrepancies are identified after the transfer, please contact your current registrar without delay.

Transfer from viNASK

In order to transfer the service of a domain name, follow the procedure on transfer from viNASK. If you hold an authinfo code, follow the procedure of a registrar to which you want to transfer the domain name. When cooperation between NASK and a registrar has been terminated, for domain names, currently serviced by that registrar, the name of a registrar, published in the WHOIS database, will be viNASK.

If that situation applies to your domain name, you should immediately transfer the service of that domain name to other registrar. If you do not poses an authinfo code, follow the procedure on transfer from viNASK. Detailed description of the procedure you will find on this website.
  1. If a registrant is a natural person:
    • signature of a domain name’s registrant or a registrant’s representative + a copy of the power of attorney
  2. If a registrant is a sole trader:
    • signature of a sole trader and a copy of the entry to the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG)
    • in case of registrant’s representative – signature of registrant’s representative + a copy of the power of attorney and the entry to the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG)
  3. If a registrant is a civil law partnership:
    • signatures of all partners of a civil law partnership + a copy of the deed of partnership (part related to partnership’s bodies and method of representation)
    • in case of registrant’s representative - signature of registrant’s representative + a copy of the power of attorney and a copy of the deed of partnership (part related to partnership’s bodies and method of representation)
  4. If a registrant is a commercial company or partnership (limited liability company, public Limited company, general partnership, limited partnership, professional partnership, limited joint-stock partnership):
    • signature(s) of person(s) authorized to represent a company or partnership (in accordance with the method of representation, specified in the excerpt from the National Court Register) + a copy of chapter I and II of the current excerpt from NCR
  5. If a registrant is a state owned entity:
    • an appropriate document confirming nomination, appointment or selection
    • document specifying a person authorized to represent a state owned entity (e.g. excerpt from a proper registry)
    • in other cases, an appropriate power of attorney supported by a document confirming a mandator’s right to confer authority to his/her representative.
Documents are examined within 5 working days from the date of service of a signed request. Yes. To delete a request please use a proper form.