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Cookie policy

Cookie usage policy on dns.pl

Please be informed that in order to provide you with a better user experience of our service at dns.pl we use the following types of cookie files (cookies):
  • PHPSESSID - ID of the session where information, provided in the request (e.g. registration and change of delegation of .gov.pl domain name, transfer of .pl domain name from viNASK) and in the process of entering data therein, is stored. Information is subject to be deleted after the last step of filing the request;
  • COOKIE-ACCEPTED - only when the information on cookies has been accepted;
  • HL - storing of information in a selected language (values: pl/en);
  • APPISID, CONSENT, HSID, NID, SAPISID, SID, SIDCC – as the service is secured against robots and mass retrieving of data, among others, from the Whois database, we apply the Google recaptcha mechanism with its cookies storing ID, date, number of clicks, language of a browser and information on the result of verification.

Cookie files settings are individual for each browser, however acceptance of those files is frequently set as default. Each user may choose to completely disable cookie files in a browser or limit the acceptance of cookies to be stored in own device. However, it may impact the efficiency of the browser, convenience of using www sites and method of their displaying, and in particular cases, even a denial of access thereto. Some browsers provide for such configuration of settings that each attempt to launch a website causes a question of user’s consent for cookie files being displayed on the screen. Thus, the user gains control over cookie files and, at the same time, may impact on slowing down the browser’s efficiency.

Cookie files, used at our website, will be located in the end user’s device unless the bowser settings have been changed.