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Policy of .pl domain Registry in the field of counteracting abuse with the use of .pl domain names as of 24 May 2019 (in force as of 22 January 2025)


  1. Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (hereafter: NASK), acting as the Registry, manages the database of unique names in the top-level national domain .pl. It takes care to ensure the high quality of services provided to Subscribers, being a guarantor of the availability, stability, and security of .pl domain names registered by them.
  2. This Policy is a declaration of actions taken by the .pl domain Registry in case of illegal or unfair practices with the use of the .pl domain names threatening the security and stability of the worldwide system of domains or the .pl domain, and Internet users using services provided with the use of names maintained within the .pl domain.
  3. Actions taken by the Registry are compliant with the .pl Domain Name Regulations (hereinafter: Regulations), binding provisions of law, best practices applied by other top-level domain registries, and comply with the recommendations of the organization ICANN, coordinating the functioning of the worldwide Internet.
  4. The .pl domain Registry in particular seeks to reduce or eliminate the following illegal or unfair practices which grossly violate the provisions of the Regulations:
    1. using the .pl domain name to impersonate the systems of a legally operating entity in order to obtain confidential data in the so-called phishing techniques;
    2. using the .pl domain name to distribute malicious software, causing an unintended by the user and incompatible with their expectations action in the environment of their device;
    3. using the .pl domain name to command and control botnets, i.e. groups of centrally managed devices running unwanted and harmful for the users software;
    4. using the .pl domain name in actions aimed at gaining illegal access to other computers or networks;
    5. providing by the Subscriber incorrect or untrue, but necessary to conclude and perform the Agreement on the Maintenance of a .pl domain name contact data, as well as failure to correct those data or failure to update them in response to the request of the Registry or Partner;
    6. using the data of a third party in order to conclude and perform an Agreement on the Maintenance of the .pl domain name.
  5. Registrars (Partners), to the extent related to their services, shall cooperate with the Registry in carrying out activities aimed at preventing abuse of .pl domain names.
  6. The Policy does not cover the activities of the .pl domain Registry in the area of infringements concerning the right to the .pl domain name. In accordance with the Regulations, disputes on domain names are settled before an arbitration court or a court of general jurisdiction.
  7. In case of receiving information on using a name maintained in the .pl domain in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations, NASK undertakes legal and technical actions, aimed at ceasing the violation described in this Policy. The effect of such actions may be, among others:
    1. refusal to register a .pl domain name;
    2. removing the .pl domain name from DNS or redirecting it to other name servers;
    3. termination of the Agreement with the Subscriber of the .pl domain name.
  8. The Subscriber of the .pl domain name, against whom actions described above have been taken, has the right to appeal within 14 days from the date NASK has taken those actions.
  9. The terms used in this document and not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the .pl Domain Name Regulations.
  10. In order to execute this Policy, the .pl domain Registry accepts applications at: info@dns.pl.