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Registrar Meeting 2018

On 21 November 2018 the .pl domain registry was pleased to meet registrars cooperating with NASK within the frames of the NASK Partner Programme. This year’s event was held at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw.

The agenda of the meeting included, among others, overview of marketing activities of the .pl domain registry and a premiere of a brand new animation "How to register a domain name?". Presentations and discussions pertained also to plans for 2019, and in particular, to the development of services of the .pl domain registry. Our special guest was Marcin Napiórkowski, PhD, from the Warsaw University, who in his speech, titled "Informacyjne supermutanty" [Information supermutants], presented the phenomenon of fake news.

As each year, also this meeting was a good opportunity for NASK to talk with Partners and share experiences on the domain name market. The event coincided with publishing of the newest quarter report, Q3 2018, issued by the .pl domain registry. We kindly invite you to read this report.

We also encourage you to see pictures taken at this year's meeting with Partners:

Spotkanie_z_PartneramiSpotkanie_z_PartneramiSpotkanie_z_PartneramiRegistrar MeetingRegistrar MeetingRegistrar MeetingSpotkanie_z_PartneramiSpotkanie_z_Partnerami



Foto: Małgorzata Decyk