Annual report - .pl domain name market 2020
May 21, 2021, 10:26:14 AMThe highest renewal rate in 11 years - NASK's annual report on the .pl domain name market in 2020.
At the end of 2020 in the .pl domain Registry, there were 2 473 487 domain names active in DNS. The number of new registrations amounted to 743 659. Over 2 thousand names were registered daily average. In the discussed year, over 1.7 million domain names were renewed and the highest renewal rate since 11 years was noted, which at the end of December amounted to 68.82%.
In comparison with the previous year the number of registrants increased by 22 535 and at the end of 2020 amounted to 1 095 122. On average, there were slightly more than 2 domain names per one registrant. Most of the registrants - 64.5% - constituted organisations.
The .pl domain maintained in 2020 the 6th position among European country code domains as for the number of registered names.
In the area of improving the Internet safety, 2020 in the .pl domain Registry was marked by technical DNS development and DNSSEC infrastructure upgrade. Actions against abusive use of the .pl domain names, which in 2020 concerned mainly the use of domain names for data phishing, were also continued.
We invite you to read the annual report 2020.