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Report on the .pl domain name market for Q1 2019

Over 2.6 million .pl domain names.

At the end of March 2 610 787 active domain names were being maintained in the .pl domain registry. In the first quarter the number of domain names increased by 14 039 names.

In the analyzed period 258 367 .pl domain names were registered, i.e. by over 28 thousand more than in the quarter closing the previous year. The daily average number of .pl domain names registrations was 2 871 which means that about 2 domain names were being registered per minute.

The number of renewed .pl domain names increased again. A renewal rate equalled 65.81%, being the highest value for 10 years.

In the same period .pl domain names were being maintained for over 1 083 537 registrants. This is by 4 104 more than at the end of the previous quarter.

We invite you to get acquainted with the report.