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Report on the .pl domain name market for Q2 2019

Over 2.6 million .pl domain names. Renewal rate is increasing.

At the end of June 2 602 326 active domain names were being maintained in the .pl domain registry. In the second quarter the number of domain names decreased by 8 461 as compared to the previous quarter.

In the analyzed period 196 360 .pl domain names were registered, i.e. by 62 thousand less than in the previous quarter. The daily average number of .pl domain names registrations was 2 158, which means that almost 90 domain names were being registered per hour.

The number of renewed .pl domain names increased again. A renewal rate equalled 65.94%.

At the end of the second quarter .pl domain names were being maintained for 1 085 029 registrants, i.e. by almost 1 500 more than at the end of the previous quarter. On average there were 2.40 .pl domain names per registrant.

We invite you to get acquainted with the report.