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.pl domain registry again with the certificate of compliance with ISO 9001 standard

.pl domain registry again with the certificate of compliance with ISO 9001 standard

We are pleased to inform that NASK PIB obtained a positive recommendation of the independent certification body to maintain the certificate of compliance of its quality management system with requirements of the international ISO 9001:2015 standard. The certificate has been awarded for the sixth time for the next 3-year period, i.e. until March 2022.

The quality management system at NASK PIB covers all areas and processes related to registration and maintenance of Internet domain names. The recertification audit took place in the last week of February 2019 and was conducted by the Bureau Veritas Certification – the leading international certifying body.

NASK PIB, which maintains the .pl national domain name registry, is the world’s first national domain name registry to implement a quality management system and continuously since 2004 has a certificate of compliance of the maintained system with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.

The quality management system implemented at NASK PIB is a necessary tool to carry out the security policy in the registration process of domain names, and by supporting the process of implementation of new products and services, it also contributes to the development of domain name market in Poland.

It is extremely important to us that the activity of the .pl domain registry is based on uniform and transparent rules. In terms of the number of maintained names, we are one of the leading national domain registries in Europe. The process approach that we have been using for over a decade results in high effectiveness and efficiency of our activity. The processes occurring in the registry have been identified and are competently managed, while their mutual interdependencies are well and equally understood by the interested parties. The quality management system at NASK is continuously developed and improved, which is evidenced by cyclical independent audits leading to a positive assessment – said Paweł T. Goławski, the Quality Management System Supervisor at NASK PIB.